Have you seen these feet? They belong to my wonderful husband. Every once in a while Steve will ask me to give him a foot rub, and well, he knows I have trouble just being in the same room as his feet. They are just weird. I guess weird is not the technical term, weird bunions is more like it. He has has them for as long as I have known him, and they have not bothered him, until recently. So, he decided to have them taken care of. Well, at least one for now.

Day one after surgery, not much to see. He was a little nervous about having the surgery. Right before he was to go in everyone started telling him how painful it was. After 2 days he had to start putting weight on his foot and that was a little scary because he didn't know how much it would hurt. But he is a trooper. Didn't take much pain meds, they made him too sick, didn't need that much anyway.

After about 2 weeks he had to go back to have the dressing changed and make sure it was healing ok. Yuck!

I guess you could say it looks better. It is still hard to tell the shape of his foot because of the swelling, but I think it is better. Not sure if he is going to have the other one done or not.