Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day to all the dads that Rock!

battleship anyone?

mom cat was pretty excited for our $.25 find at a neighbor's yard sale.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

hiking with dad, andy and uncle josh

what is there that is fun for the boys to do today? leave the girls behind and take to the hills. steve took his brother josh and andy up payson canyon and went for a fun hike.

josh and andy

andy and dad
can you see it? they found a little friend along the way.
good thing they each have a hiking stick. looks like a steep hike.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

early morning thoughts by steve

As one day ends another begins. As I pull into the garage one day has ended( I work graves) as I tip toe into the house around 6am another begins. My mind is racing. What will I cook for breakfast today? The raspberries and blackberries look good. What will I do to stay awake today? Oh yea I have to take Ell's bed apart. Just because my day has started or never ended doesn't mean the family's has. Here I am waiting for the official start of the day.

"Dad I'm hungry."

The day has begun.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

silly andy

Sometimes to get into the growing mood you need to see things from the plants point of view.

Monday, June 7, 2010

thanks dad

what to do on a hot summer day?
get dad to set up the slip and slide for our kids and some neighbor kids.
all lined up and waiting their turn.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

breakfast by dad

when dad makes breakfast, he really makes breakfast. today was french toast, bacon, strawberries and caramel greek yogurt. it was a hit. the only thing mom didn't like about it, was the cooking bacon made the whole house smell like bacon. even the cat smelled like bacon. but it was wort it to have a yummy breakfast.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

boring life= boring blog?

i have been having blogging block. i haven't had any good ideas on which to blog about. i will blame it on pregnancy brain. i don't know if our life just isn't that interesting, or all i am thinking on and doing is getting ready for baby.

in light of this block, i will have a guest wonderful husband. look for his photos and funny comments coming soon.