Saturday, November 29, 2008


This year for Thanksgiving we went to Grandma Cannon's. Having only one set of in-laws living close (Steve's parents) makes holidays a little easier. We just go where there is food!

Dinner was great, here are some after dinner activities, sleeping, kids coloring Thanksgiving pictures, playing on the iphone and just being silly.

Ellyn and her cousin Jocelyn.

Tim, Steph and Jocelyn and then Grandma Snyder and Jocelyn.

Ellyn, Joy and Andy just hanging out.

Dinner Time Part 2!

The next night was Ellyn's turn to cook. She picked tacos and scones.

This is Ellyn's way of rolling out and cutting the dough.

She even made menus so we could pick out what we wanted to have for dinner.

Steve picked tacos and scones. Good pick dad.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Dinner Time!

We have started something new in the Snyder family for dinner. Each of our two kids gets one night a week where they pick what they want for dinner, help with the shopping list, make the dinner and other such fun.

Andy had the first night, he picked spaghetti (not a surprise) and scones.

(me trying to make scones like mom does)

Now Steve loves scones and wants his mom to make them every Sunday for dinner. I have the recipe, so I thought, sure why not. I know I will never make them like mom does, but we can give it a shot. (I did have to call her in the middle of it and ask a question about the dough, it just didn't look right. She was great to help) They even turned out ok. I bought Honey Butter just for the occasion.

Ellyn was feeling left out so she got to help also. She can't wait for her turn tomorrow.

After dinner, Steve was asking Andy about what he learned in the kitchen and what kind of tools he had used. It was a great learning experience for all involved. (I learned to practice patience with a smile!)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Operation Christmas Child

Each year there is this amazing ministry called Operation Christmas Child. Our church is a part of it and we decided to participate this year. This ministry delivers shoe boxes full of Christmas gift all over the world to children who would normal not receive them. Our church is the collection center for Utah Valley, I think. My friend Ashley said that when all the boxes are gathered from all the churches and individuals there will be about 700 boxes!!

Our homeschool group filled 10 and that got me motivated to do some from our family. The kids had a great time picking out stuff to go in the boxes. We filled them with soap, washcloths, candy, toys and school supplies. I think this will become part of our Christmas tradition.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to Joy!

Well, today is my birthday! Oh happy day to me! Now, I don't mind birthdays, it is just the getting older that is the problem. I didn't mind turning 30 (I won't mention how many years ago that was), in fact I was very excited. 31 was great, 32 was ok, and then it just went down hill. I like 32 and let's just say, for fun that this year I am 32, again.

My sweet husband came in from work this morning (he works crazy 8pm to 7am-ish) with breakfast for the family. And then presents! He got me some very cute earrings and a great jacket with Kermit the Frog on it. I was a little concerned that I am too old to be wearing such a hip looking jacket, but I trust him, he has great taste. Oh, and the best part flowers!! I just love flowers. I will buy them for myself sometimes. These ones are great, they smell just amazing. Again, great job honey.

Also, Sunday dinner was my b'day dinner. I picked Pita Pizzas. I really wanted a potato bar, but seeing as only the girls would eat it, I decided to go for something that would please everyone.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Steve has the fun iphone, well he thinks it is fun. I just get mad at it when it won't do what I want it to. Like give me correct driving directions!! What is the point of having a map tell you which turn to take if they are the wrong ones?

One of the fun things that he does have, is a camera. And it does take pretty good pictures. Sometimes he will upload them to the computer without me even seeing them and then they show up on the screen saver, they are always pretty cute ones of the kids.

On this day Steve and the kids were up at Tim's house (aka Grandpa Snyder's house) helping do some remodel. It must have been break time, because they don't look like they are working too hard.

What deep thoughts are going on inside Ellyn's head?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Guess what we woke up to today?

Snow!! I have been so excited for the snow to come and it is here. We had so much snow last year it was great, I am hoping for the same this year. It seems that everyone I know is dreading the snow. I just love it. Kids getting all bundled up, playing in the snow for hours, coming in with red cheeks and runny noses. What's not to love.

Andy is ready for a snowball

Monday, November 3, 2008

Costumes and a Carnival

This year for Halloween Ellyn was Tinker Bell and Andy was an army guy complete with large gun and camouflage face paint.

Our first stop was Grandma's house. She always has special treats for the kids.

Ellyn, Jocelyn and Andy

Our family picture, Andy kind of fades into the plant, but i guess that is the point of camo, right?

This year we went to a carnival that was held at the Calvary Mountain View Church. It was so much fun. They had food, a bunch of games and tons of candy. My friend Ashley, her husband and kids were there also. Steve ended up taking the kids to play games a second time and Ashley and I hung out and talked. It was at that point she realized that I am a little bit older than her, I won't say how many years, but it is enough for us to have grown up on different music and movies.

Ashley and Joy (I think I missed out not going through a punk faze. I loved my pink hair)

Pumpkin Carving with Grandma

Each year Grandma (Steve's mom) has Halloween Dinner. I think it starts out being for the grandkids, but it is really for Grandma. She enjoys it the most. This year was fun, she had gone all out with decorations and food. From bat shaped chips to candy spiders that pooped candy corn. Take a look at my sis-in-law blog for fun pictures.

One of the traditions that happens is pumpkin carving. This year we had a new "kid" carving, Steve the new brother-in-law.

Here Andy is working very hard drawing his design.

Andy and Grandma Snyder.

Ellyn, what a cutie. She had fun this year carving and digging out the guts. Last year she wouldn't even dig in.

Now Ellyn needed a little help.

Not sure if Ellyn gave up, or Grandma is just too nice and willing to help.

The finished pumpkins!