Saturday, January 31, 2009


When we moved to Spanish Fork, I asked one on the kids from our church where is the best place to go sledding. And without even missing a beat he said the Spanish Fork Golf Course. And he was right, it is so much fun.

We headed out after the last storm, which left beautiful powder everywhere, but wasn't the best for sledding at first. The kids had to go down a few times to make their trails. And once they did, it was great sledding. But I have to say the best part of sledding is now that the kids are older, they can sled and walk up the hill all by themselves.

Ellyn had a little trouble climbing up the hill. She kept on slipping, but she would not give up.

Andy loves to snowboard. This is how he started out,

and this is how he ended.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How cute is this baby?

Today LaShon, Treysen and Aaliyah came over for a visit. It was so good to see them and see how they are doing. They seem to be doing good. Treysen is growing like crazy. He is just too cute.

Aaliyah and Treysen. (LaShon's little sister that she has custody of)

Andy and Treysen.

Ellyn and Treysen.

Treysen was born November 11th. Thankfully he didn't get his daddy's ears. LaShon had a very hard labor and delivery, but it was worth it.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A House to a Home

What a busy few weeks it has been. I have missed blogging. As a busy mom I don't have the opportunity for many creative outlets, so I have to make time for them. And as of late, I haven't been doing anything for myself. Our pastor said something that really stuck home, he said "When our priorities are out of line, then there is chaos." My first thought was "he must have seen my house!" But then I did realize that I had not been taking care of ME! And everyone one was beginning to suffer. So, I had a ME Day. Two Fridays ago, I left. Not like left to Las Vegas left, but left to play. I went to a movie (by myself), went shopping (by myself) and went to dinner (yup, by myself.) I only received two phone calls while I was gone, one from the garage repair man (scheduling our repair) the other from my husband ("honey where is the pizza cutter?"). It was great. The next Friday I went out again. Steve and the kids had a movie night. They turned up the movie real loud, made popcorn and turned out all the lights. I am not sure who had more fun, me or them. This has been good for the whole family. Mom gets a break, and kids get real time with dad. And there is balance once again in the Snyder house.

Now on to the house. It is coming along. The kid's rooms are done!!!!! Hurray! It seemed like it took forever, but it really didn't. It has been hard for Steve because he is either working or sleeping. So, finding the time to work on the house has been a challenge, but he has done a wonderful job. (see photos) We have many plans, but they will be weekend jobs. Nothing major all stuff we can do ourselves. It will be great when we are done and can look back and see what we have be able to do.

We didn't do anything in the kitchen, I just thought this picture was cute.

Ellyn's room is "Tinker Bell Blue". I loved the way this color turned out. She has little Tinker Bell sticker things and a Princess chalkboard. Ellyn and Andy switched beds when we moved. Andy never slept on his bunk bed, he always slept on the floor, and Ellyn loved to swing on the monkey bars on the bed. So, it was a great trade.

Why didn't someone tell me what a nightmare painting red is? So, if you don't know, it is horrible! I will never do it again. It looks great, but takes 3 or 4 coats to look great. We also did chalkboard paint and framed it in, good job honey.

Friday, January 9, 2009

What we did last week

Can you guess what we have been up to this last week?

If you guessed living in chaos, also known as packing, cleaning, moving, painting and unpacking, you are the winner!