Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Golfing Fun (that is if golfing could ever be fun)

I am so far behind on all the posting I want to do, but that is what happens when I get a headache. But I am feeling much better now!

Here is our future golfer. He is our retirement fund!

Steve went to hit some balls one night and Andy went with him. Looks like great form to me. But what do I know, I don't think golf is a real sport, sorry Ev (Ev is my father-in-law who is a great golfer, or so he says.)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

"The Headache" by Andy

Day 11 on same headache. Yuck. It started Sunday before last when we had a huge storm roll in. I normally get headaches with the weather changes (so does Andy, maybe not headache, but he acts like a crazy person), so I knew it was coming. But this one just didn't go away, it took me out. It became a 2 pain pill per day headache. Then on Sunday my dear friend June (who happens to get headaches on the same day as me, so when i get one I say a prayer for her head also) she asked how my head was doing. And I told her it had been a week, and in her wisdom, she said I might have a sinus infection and should get on an antibiotic. Well, duh! It seems to take someone else to clue me into things sometimes. On Monday morning when I woke up and my sinuses were burning, I knew it was time. I am now on day 2 of my 5 day meds. I just wish they worked with the first dose. But these pills seem to always to the trick.
I get headaches often and the kids are used to it. They are great, they know not to turn the lights on, when mom has the heating pad on her face to let her sleep (unless some one is bleeding or on fire), they know this is just life sometimes. Last year I was having one of those type of headaches and Andy (our artist) drew me two pictures. One is "The Headache" and the other is "The Get Well." I showed June (my headache buddy) the drawing and she loved it. She loved it so much she took it to the copy machine and made a copy for herself. As you can see, I have posted "The Headache", this really does show how I feel sometimes.

Today (Wednesday), I am not feeling better. But there is the hope of feeling better. I also know if this drug doesn't work, my doctor is just a phone call away and he has better meds.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I have had my camera for about a year and a half and I have learned something new. I told Josh that I wanted to get a new camera, one that takes pictures quicker, and he showed me something on my camera. There is this fun little button that allows me to take picture after picture without waiting for it to load! I love it, so I had to try it out. Here is my collection of Ellyn eating a donut. She loves her donuts.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Book Fun

Would you believe it? I finished a book. Now I have this habit (which I get from my mom) that I am always reading at least 6 books at once. That is fun and all, but I never seem to finish anything. I am now trying to read just two at a time. I just finished "The Organized HomeSchooler" by Vicki Caruana, it was so good. It seems like we have so much stuff for school, do we really need it all? And if we do, what do we do with it all? This book gave me many new ideas for managing my time, our stuff and setting goals. We must always be learning and moving forward.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Baptism Fun

"An outward expression of an inward change"

Each year our church and two others have a baptism in the Provo River. We have a BBQ, baptism and games. This year we had something new added, rain. As I was driving up I saw the rain clouds coming and was praying the rain would either hold off or pass quickly. Well, it did neither. As soon as we got there the rain started, and pretty hard. But when it was time to head over to the river, it stopped. The rain held off until we had just one more baptism left and then it started coming down pretty good. So we all ate, and then the kids decided that the rain wasn't going to dampen their fun, so they headed off to play. Then some of the adults wanted to play ultimate Frisbee. The rain kept coming on and off, and of course when it was on (really hard) Ellyn had to go potty. So we got soaked.

But all in all, a good time was had by all.

We know that we are not saved by baptism, we are saved by the blood of Christ. But we do it to show the world the state of our hearts. That is why we say it is an outward expression (baptism) of an inward change (salvation).

The three pastors, Pastor Derrick (on the bank), Pastor Paul (on the edge of river) Pastor Mike (in river talking).

Pastor Mike of Fellowship Bible Church in Lindon baptising on of his members.

Pastor Derrick of Grace Bible Church in Springville (our church) looking at the clouds.

Pastor Ben of Grace Bible Church, he is our Associate Pastor. He is baptising his son, Dylan. Pastor Paul of Faith Community Church in Eagle Mountain looking on.

What a cute baby, my friend Ashley's girl Neveah.

Is this girl always eating? She sure does have her daddies sweet tooth. She loves any thing sweet, cookies, candies, cake, ice cream.

Andy had gotten all sweaty before we left for the BBQ and he stuck his head out the window and this is what happens when you need a hair cut.