I wanted to sit down and get caught up on the blog. We have had some fun things going on around here the past 6 weeks. I have many great pictures, and fun stories. But my brain is just mush. Is it lack of sleep? (she is sleeping great, wakes up just once in the night. but i need some real uninterrupted sleep), is it being so busy; 3 kids, schooling two of them and one baby that keeps me busy? Or is it just mommy overload? I think a little of each. As moms we have so much to do, but do we have to do it all. Oh, I hope not, I don't have that much energy. This is a new season in my life, a busy one. I just have to come to terms with that and i know it will get better, at least that is what I tell myself to get me through the days. I also know that it is by the Grace of God that I get through the days, get anything done and have a good attitude (most days.) No matter how bad the day has been, or how long the night seems there is always a new day. And I some cute faces that I get to see each day.