Happy Half Birthday Kelsey Anne!
It is hard to believe you are now 6 months old. It seems like just yesterday that we were brining you home from the hospital. We laid you down on your blanket in the living room and the kids just sat there and looked at you. We had waited for what seemed like forever for you to arrive, and we didn't know what to expect. And there you were, just as cute as can be. The kids just looked at you, and then at us. They both said " She doesn't do much does she?"
But boy (girl) do you do much now. You are a rolley polley, you love to sit in your walker (although you can't walk in it yet, you can't even reach the floor), you love to play with spoons, love your bro-bro and sissy. You are learning so much these days. Like how to eat cereal and how to eat your socks!
What a blessing you are to our family. We love you little Kelsey Anne.
For her half birthday party, Ellyn made her this cute crown.