This was the year Andy learned to make the camp fire. And I know it will come as a big surprise, he loves making things burn. He did a great job.
We also played Joy's favorite game Lasso Golf. Or as it became known Hit the Husband. When it was mine or Ashley's turn to throw, we would just picture our wonderful husbands where we wanted the ball to land, and sure enough it worked. (Just kidding guys, they were actually very nice to us, even Steve.)
We took the Elders on a hike that we love. It is up to a waterfall. A pretty easy hike with a great place to play in the water. The boys found a trail to hike up above the waterfall. Andy just loved that most of all.

Steve cooked our meals for us. This is his element. He just loves camping. He was making breakfast one day and Ashley asked how this had come to be? Was it many years of training? No, he just loves to camp. On Sunday, I was doing the breakfast dishes and Steve made the comment that he is glad that I was cleaning up. Because he hate to cook and clean. You mean, like I do everyday? And then I could see the wheels turning in his head and the little light bulb go on, and for the first time I think he understood. Of course in his smartness, he replied, "I would think it an honor to serve my family everyday"
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