what do you do with a 7 1/2 month pregnant lady in the summer?
take her some where she can cool off and relax.
that is just what my wonderful family did for me this past week. we packed our bags and headed to Mesquite for a few days. our days were spent swimming, eating, swimming, eating, and more swimming. and when i got too hot, i headed up to the room to cool off and take a nap. steve was so great with the kids. he swam with them, played "monkey in the middle" in the pool, and even took us all to see Toy Story 3. great movie, but not sure whose idea it was to take the already emotionally unstable pregnant lady to a tear tearjerker movie, i must have cried for the last 45 minutes of the movie. steve was even patient with me when we had to make extra potty stops on the road. a fun time was had by all!

Joy and Ellyn in the pool, the only way to spend the summer days.

A wonderful pool at the Casablanca in Mesquite, this is why we always stay there.

Ellyn on the water slide. Last year she was too afraid to go down by herself, so I went with her. Finaly on the last day she went down all by herself with her little life jacket. This year she was too big for the life jacket, but I told her she could do it. She could touch the bottom of the pool when she came out of the slide, but it was still a no go. Then dad told her he would wait for her at the bottom and catch her, after that we couldn't get her off the slide.

Steve and Andy getting some sun. Thankfully this trip no one got sunburned.