Each we have a Halloween Dinner up at Steve's mom's house. The kids get to carve pumpkins and the adults get to eat lots of yummy food. One thing that was added to the dinner this year was making caramel apples. Those were way yummy.
One more party for Baby Kelsey. This one was thrown by my wonderful mother-in-law and sis-in-laws.
Cute stroller made out of diapers, ribbon and flower for Kelsey's hair was made by Stephanie. Just in time to, we were in need of more diapers.
And as with any party at Grandma Snyders, tons of great food.
To bad Kelsey slept through the whole party.
One of the great things about being the big sis is getting presents at the shower. Once again my crafty sis-in-law Steph made some leg warmers for Kelsey and a matching pair for Ellyn.
Instead of games, the girls had planned a great craft for us to do. I had been wanting to get big letters of my girls names and hang them up in their room, but have been a little busy and hadn't gotten around to doing it. Well, I think they knew that, and for our craft we decorated letters for Kelsey and Ellyn! I loved this idea. We picked out scrapbook paper and then modge podged (attached it with fun glue) to each letter. Even the little girls helped out.
Can you believe it? Andy turned 12 this year. I know I can't. He is growing up so fast. This year he wanted to buy himself a new video game, so we gave him money for it. Steve got 50 balloons and blew them up and put one dollar in each one. Andy had fun popping them and then counting all his money.
Papa (Steve's Dad) made Andy this really cool big A to hold a collection of coins that he gave Andy. They are a set from the year he was born. Mom was gone the weekend of Andy birthday and we were going to have his b'day dinner at Grandma's on Sunday, and we still needed a cake. So, Andy and Steve got to bake his cake. Wish I had been a fly on the wall to see that. The cake turned out really yummy. Good job Andy!
One of the fun things about having a baby is the great parties. And because we didn't find out that we were having a girl our parties came after Kelsey was born. My wonderful family from church threw us a shower, and they even planned it for when my mom was out in Utah for a visit. My parents live in Tennessee now, and I never thought she would come back, didn't care for Utah that much, but all it took was a super cute grand-baby to get her here. We had so much fun at the shower, ate great cupcakes and played fun games. And don't forget about all the great presents. I am so blessed by my church family. Many thanks to each of them for all their work.
Lots of friends and family. And one of the traditional baby shower games...smell the baby food and guess what it is. I didn't win, it has been 7 years since i had a baby. Ellyn helped open the gifts. Grandma Snyder made Kelsey burp cloths and a blanket out of super cute ballerina material. One of Ellyn's little friends made the card with a footprint on it. I am going to frame it and hang it up in Kelsey's room. Ellyn even got a gift. A picture frame for her and baby sister. Ellyn, Joy, Kelsey and Grannie (Mary Ellen Jacobson)