As I have gotten older, I have noticed that birthdays are not as much fun as they used to be. With this year being the exception. Now all husbands should take notes from my wonderful husband. This year he planned a surprise party for me! He invited some of our great friends, cooked dinner, arranged for babysitting of all the kids (i lost count after 10) and got me a great gift. I had no idea of what was going on. I was asked to leave the house, Steve told me that the kids were wanting to cook dinner for me and I needed to be out of the house for a while. He didn't have to tell me twice to leave.
When I got home I drove into the garage and saw some decorations for my birthday. When I came into the house it was pretty quiet, I did see my friend Ashley with Kelsey and I thought that it was pretty cool for Steve to invite Matt and Ashley to dinner, and then everyone jumped out and yelled surprise! And boy was I surprised.
But not as surprised as I was going to be. We had a great dinner and then it was time for gifts. I got some wonderful gifts from our friends, I am so blessed to have such great friends. And then Steve had the kids give me a small box. Inside the box was a key, and boy was I lost. Steve had to help me.
Steve " What is it?"
Me: "A key?"
Steve: " And what does a key go to?"
Me: "A car?"
Steve: "And where do we keep the cars?"
Me: "The garage?"
Steve: "And where do you need to go?"
Me: "The garage?"
When I got to the garage, there it was, my new van!! Now it is a good thing that I HATE car shopping, the last two cars we have had Steve has gone to the lot and picked them out, drove them home so I could test drive them and then went back and bought them.
This was a great birthday. Many thanks to my husband and wonderful friends who we got to share our night with. I love you all so much!

Just a bunch of crazy kids!

Gift time!

There it is!

And more crazy kids! Thanks to my bro-in-law for doing crowd control for the night. Your the best Josh.