Picking out a Tree
Decorating our new Tree
For our last Family Fun Day we had a day full of Trees! We started out at the Festival of Trees. I have never been and wasn't too sure if the kids would enjoy it. This may be a new tradition for us, it was so much fun.
The Festival of Trees supports Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. For those of you who don't know, that is where Ellyn had here surgery when she was just 8 weeks old. She was born with a benign tumor in her nose that was connected to her brain. She had to have brain surgery. Her surgery was a success! She checked in on a Monday and went home on Wednesday. The staff there was amazing. The nurses are great at taking care of the kids, but I think they are even better at taking care of the parents. So, any time I can support Primary, I can.
There were great decorated Trees and wreathes. Fun things for the kids to do, like making crafts and standing in a huge bubble. There was great food and gift shops. We did do some of our Christmas shopping (shhhh! don't tell my "sisters".)

Can you see that this is a golf tree?

Our next adventure was to pick out a Tree! Each year we trade off getting a flocked (white) tree and a green tree. According to Andy we will not have a white Christmas this year. Here is why, last year we had a white tree and had a white Christmas, so this year we have a green tree we will have a green Christmas. (on a side note, as I write this, it is snowing and we have 4 inches here in Spanish Fork.)
I didn't get a picture of the tree we picked out, because, well after a while they all start to look the same. But you will see the kids freezing. I mean really! What kind of mom lets their kids out in winter like that? I think they did leave the house with their coats, so they must be in the van. Do I get points for getting them out the door with coats?
Andy is not too thrilled with sharing his seat with the tree.
Ellyn decorating the tree. I think she lives in her PJ's now. It is a fight to get her to change just so we can go to the store.
This year was Ellyn's turn to put the andgel on the Tree. She did have a little help from daddy.
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