Thursday, June 25, 2009

Eye See You

Sandra, this is for you! A cow's eye. Guess he doesn't need lasik now.
Each year with our homeschool group we do a dissection. This year we did a cow's eye. Yuck! But I put on a brave face for the kids, and told them "This is going to be so cool!" Yuck again. Now I love to watch the surgery shows. I don't get grossed out by much, except, the eyes. Anytime I see someone coming close to cutting or doing any type of surgery on the eye the channel quickly gets changed. So, I knew this was going to be tough for me. But once I got over it, it was kind of cool. It took a lot for Andy to even touch the eye, but he did. I think he liked looking while I did the working. Last year we did a shark (which happened to be his idea) and he got all into it. He still has some teeth and eyes. Yuck, boys. We did learn alot about the eye. After we did that our leader, our brave leader had a cow's heart that she was going to dissect and let us watch. Now, that was cool.

He wouldn't even pick it up with his hands, he used a large pin.

Here they are looking at the heart.

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