Andy has learned how to cook on the grill now. He does a great job.
Why is it that all boys love fire?
I was going to finish the post here, but I just can't. I have to tell the "grill story." It all began three years ago, Christmas to be exact. We received this very nice grill (some assembly required.) And there it sat, our very nice grill in the box, for three years. That is three years and three houses. Yes, we move the grill and it still stayed in the box. I wanted a grill, not in the box, a grill that I could grill. But, no, I had a grill in a box. Now I was telling my friend Ashley about this and she had a good laugh. We just both didn't understand why the grill wasn't set up. Well, she had this great idea, that we could put it together. She had some great steaks that she would bring over, the girls would set up the grill and the boys could then cook the meat. Finally I would have my grill, not in the box. So, we are all set for the Elder family to come over, we thought they would be over earlier and then I got a call they would be over later. So, Steve says to me "Why don't we set up the grill?" I don't remember if I responded to that or if I was just too in shock. But we got it set up. And guess how long it took? Maybe 15 minutes. I will never understand men. It was so simple. But he told me the more I nagged, the less he wanted to do it. I don't think I learned my lesson. I still nag, but I think I am over my bitterness about my grill in the box.
I love it. And if you do ever figure men out PLEASE let me know!
I love the pictures. Andy dressed for February (which it is) and Daddy Steve just in a Tee. I'm assuming you have snow on the ground. Another example of trying to figuring out our men.
Love you all (y'all),no matter how you are dressed--for summer, Valentine's, winter or soon to come swim suits. Then we will all be complaining about the "hot" rather than "cold".
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