I have been reading a new book. "If Mama goes south, we are all going with her!" It is about the importance of taking care of yourself. It has been pretty good. The author breaks the book into tree parts, The Spirit, The Body and The Soul. She talks about how we "go south" when we don't take care of
all of us. I have seen that happen in my own life, where I start to suffer then the whole family suffers. Two big things that I have gotten out of her book is about exercising and the need for fresh air and sunlight. I do enjoy exercising, but I can find every excuse in the book not too, and well she put things a little different. We normally think of needing to exercise to lose weight, where that is one good reason she said that we should look at it as needing to exercise to be healthy. Now, I am sure I have heard that said a million times, but sometimes it just hits you at the right time in your life. And I am hoping this is that right time. I feel better when i work out, I sleep better, I have more energy, the list goes on. So why wouldn't I? Well talk to me in two weeks when my motivation has worn off and my excuse list is super long. The other thing is the need to be outside. Now winter in Utah can be a little hard to get out. If we don't have the snow storms that make it hard to walk around the block it is freezing cold or an inversion day. On the bad air days you can be outside, but see no sun. Well, we have decided to get out of the house. Even if it is just 15 minutes a day. And it has been great. On Monday Ellyn wanted to go for a walk around our block. So we did, twice. On Tuesday I took the kids sledding. We were out for about an hour that day. I can see that we all feel better when we just Get Out.

Ellyn ready to go on her new scooter she got for Christmas.

Andy likes to try to do tricks on his scooter. In the summer we go to the skate park and he is getting pretty good.

You can't really ride a scooter in the snow.
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